Obsidian的导入插件允许您将Apple Notes转移到任何支持Markdown的笔记应用程序中
正如Club MacStories的成员所知 (opens new window),在过去的几周里,我花了时间整理我的数字生活并建立系统,让事情更难解开。我的一种策略是将我存储东西的地方尽量减少,以方便“未来的我”。
对于我写的笔记和文章,这意味着使用Obsidian (opens new window)。过去,我一直抵制将每个文本文件放入Obsidian,因为该应用程序的文件管理工具并不总是最好的。部分原因无疑是Obsidian过去专注于文档之间的链接。幸运的是,Obsidian的文件夹和文件管理工具已经取得了长足的进步。再加上强大的第三方工具Omnisearch (opens new window),一个强大的第三方工具。 in that allows you to import notes from various sources into Obsidian. It was originally designed to import notes from other note-taking apps, but with the recent update, it now also supports importing notes from Apple Notes.
To use the Importer plugin with Apple Notes, you first need to export your notes from Apple Notes as a local SQLite database. You can do this by following the instructions provided in Obsidian's blog post on the Apple Notes export. Once you have the SQLite database, you can use the Importer plugin to import the notes into Obsidian.
The Importer plugin will create two folders in your Obsidian vault: one for the Markdown versions of your notes and another for the attachments associated with your notes. The folder for your notes will also include subfolders that mirror the folder structure you had set up in Apple Notes.
Overall, the updated Importer plugin makes it easy to transfer your notes from Apple Notes to Obsidian. It's a great tool for those who want to switch to Obsidian as their primary note-taking and text storage solution. s 我运行了导入器两次,以测试其实际效果。第一次是在超过400个笔记的集合上,其中许多笔记已经多年未被触及。导入过程很快,但有36个笔记导入失败,从插件的界面上无法清楚地知道这是否导致了它在中途卡住,或者插件只是跳过了这些笔记。我不知道为什么我的一些笔记无法导入,但对于一个没有官方导出功能的未记录文件格式的应用程序来说,结果还不错。
导入过程 dian, but I still find Apple Notes useful for quick, temporary notes that I don’t need to keep long-term. Obsidian’s Importer plugin allows me to easily transfer specific notes or groups of notes to Obsidian while keeping the rest in Apple Notes. This way, I can have the best of both worlds and use each app for its strengths.
Overall, I’m impressed with Obsidian’s Importer plugin and its ability to seamlessly transfer my Apple Notes to Obsidian. It’s a powerful tool that allows me to leverage the benefits of both apps and create a more organized and efficient note-taking system. 点(dian)是一个很好用的工具,它能够与其他笔记一起更轻松地使用。然而,Obsidian的致命缺点是缺乏一个可行的协作系统。在没有一种快速、安全、简单的方法与他人共享和编辑笔记之前,我仍然会使用Apple Notes的共享功能。对于其他所有事情,我对Obsidian深深着迷,因为纯文本的可移植性和灵活性结合了丰富的第三方插件选择,使其成为我所从事工作的最佳工具。
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