分页 #

自动分页 #

有时你可能想导出到 PDF,并在所有 top-level headings (opens new window) ,也许总是把标题放在右边的页面上。

顶级标题是用单前缀 #(和可选的后缀)或等号下划线 ====;两者在 HTML 输出中都产生 <h1>。二级标题是用双散列前缀 ##,或用连字符减去下划线 ----;两者都产生 <h2>。第三级 ### 到第六级 ###### 的标题没有备选的下划线语法,分别产生 HTML 元素 <h3><h6>

要在标题前添加自动分页,请打开 themes folder (opens new window) ,并编辑 respective CSS file (opens new window)

@media print, (overflow-block: paged) or (overflow-block: optional-paged)
  /* Move top-level headings to a new page on the right-hand side: */
    page-break-before: right; /* CSS 2 */
    break-before: recto;      /* CSS 3+,
      also works for languages written and paginated right-to-left */
  /* Override the previous ruleset for the very first heading: */
  section > h1:first-child
    page-break-before: avoid; /* CSS 2 */
    break-before: avoid;      /* CSS 3+ */
  /* Force second-level headings to begin in a new column or
     possiblyon a new page if it was in the last of multiple columns otherwise: */
    break-before: column;
  /* Headings should not be the last paragraph on a page: */
  h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6
    page-break-after: avoid;
  /* Consecutive headings with deepening level should not be split across pages: */
  h1+h2, h2+h3, h3+h4, h4+h5, h5+h6
    page-break-before: avoid;


然而,这通常需要先将 Markdown 文件转换为 HTML,然后再转换为 PDF 或打印。如果从中间的 LaTeX 转换到 PDF,它可能不会像预期的那样工作,就像 Pandoc 默认的那样。

强制分页 #

有几种方法可以使用自定义 CSS 在文档中插入一个手动分页。

HTML 和 Inline CSS #


Markdown with embedded HTML:

<div style="page-break-after: always; break-after: page;"></div>

Markdown continues.
<p>Markdown with embedded HTML:</p>
<div style="page-break-after: always; break-after: page;"></div>
<p>Markdown continues.</p>

HTML 和中央 CSS #

如果经常需要手动分页,使用 external stylesheet (opens new window) 更有意义,可以更好地维护和减少杂乱。

Markdown with embedded HTML:

<div class="page-break"></div>

Markdown continues.
<p>Markdown with embedded HTML:</p>
<div class="page-break"></div>
<p>Markdown continues.</p>
/* completely hide the element where it is not needed */
    display: none;
@media print, (overflow-block: paged) or (overflow-block: optional-paged)
    display: block;
    page-break-after: always; /* CSS 2 */
         break-after: page;   /* CSS 3+ */

主题性休息 #

另外,现有的 Markdown 结构也可以被重新利用。这样一来,在 Markdown 文件中既不需要 HTML 也不需要 CSS。

有三种方法可以插入 thematic break in Markdown (opens new window),使用三个或更多的星号 *,连字符 -,或下划线 _,可能在它们之间还有空白。它们都会产生相同的 HTML(或 PDF)输出,然后可以用来创建分页符。基本上所有的 Markdown 演示包也都遵循这个惯例,为每一个主题中断插入一个幻灯片过渡。

Break incoming

  * * *

in between breaks


still one more to come


after the final break.
<p>Break incoming</p>
<p>in between breaks</p>
<p>still one more to come</p>
<p>after the final break.</p>

唯一需要的是 some custom CSS (opens new window)

@media print, (overflow-block: paged) or (overflow-block: optional-paged)
    page-break-after: always; /* CSS 2 */
         break-after: region; /* CSS 3+ */
    /* minimal layout disruption: */
    height: 0.1mm; visibility: hidden;

CSS 详细信息 #

CSS Level 3 (opens new window) 和,使用比,更通用的方法将内容分解成页面等。later (opens new window) CSS Level 2 (opens new window)

break-after|before: auto           > page-break-after|before: auto
                  | avoid
                  | avoid-page     = page-break-after|before: avoid
                  | avoid-column
                  | avoid-region
                  | page           = page-break-after|before: always
                  | left           = page-break-after|before: left
                  | right          = page-break-after|before: right
                  | recto | verso
                  | column
                  | region
break-inside:       auto           > page-break-inside: auto
                  | avoid
                  | avoid-page     = page-break-inside: avoid
                  | avoid-column
                  | avoid-region